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Welcome to the Ride Yourself Fit Family 
(Please remember that members must login with their
user name and password to view all contents of this website.)

Ride Yourself Fit
A variety of bicycle rides in and around the Redlands area with routes from 5 to 60 miles in length.  Riders of all ages and fitness levels are welcome.
Bi-weekly rides of 10, 15, 20 and 30 miles are scheduled
for beginners to experienced riders.
Instruction and specified training programs are provided for riders.
Additional rides are scheduled for more experienced cyclists and include:
Club 39 with 39 mile and 20+ mile routes;
Adventure with 40 to 60 mile routes including a lunch stop;
Travel Club with rides at remote locations starting outside
of Redlands with varying length routes.

Walk Yourself Fit
A variety of walks led by Donna Dawson are available.
Walks are from 1 to 5 miles and are provided for all ages and fitness levels.
Instruction is provided on proper walking methods and attire.

Eat Yourself Fit
A program presented by Dr. Steven Wilson and Stephanie Stellhorn during the year. Guidelines are offered showing the
healthy eating and the benefits
of eating fresh vegetables and the uses of herbs for seasoning.  
In Your Best Interest Garden, 1201 Brookside Avenue.

RYF 2024


A Prayer Request Forum has been established for members who at times experience illnesses or other tragic events for themselves, family members and other loved ones and friends. This forum is provided to allow members to post requests for prayers to help them through these times.  The forum may be accessed from the membership tab on the left hand column or by clicking on
 RYF Prayer Request Forum.

 Starting times for Ride Yourself Fit
  bike rides have moved as noted due
to time changes & weather conditions.
WYF and EYF times are listed on
the Event Calendar.

 Please check the Event Calendar
for times for all scheduled rides, walks
and other events.

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
To check the weather forecast
for the Redlands area,
click on the photo.

Please note that  RYF rides and WYF walks may
be modified or
cancelled without notice
due to rain, excessive heat
or unhealthful conditions.

Name Group Date Joined
Bueermann, Emily WYF 1/1/2025
Bueermann, Jim
WYF 1/1/2025
Watts, Kenneth
RYF 1/1/2025
Watts, Victoria RYF 1/1/2025
Gengler, Clay

 Check the air quality for the
Inland Empire area,
click the AQMD logo.

Ride Yourself Fit will post information here regarding the 2025 Redlands Bicycle Classic. This information will include various race and program schedules, volunteering opportunities, host housing information and links to the RBC website:  The new Redlands Legends Fondo information sponsored by Ride Yourself Fit rides and schedules will also be included.  A separate page will also be added to the providing all programs and volunteer opportunities for the Redlands Legends Fondo.
What is Host Housing???

Many professional teams arrive several days in advance of the event. Families that Host House for the Redlands Bicycle Classic provide accommodations for either or men or women team riders.   By signing up you commit to a roof over their head along with a clean place to sleep, clean towels and shower.   They also need a safekeeping location for their bicycles.  Hosts are not expected to feed or clean up after the riders.  Remember: Your House - Your Rules.

*INTERESTED in providing Housing for 2 or more Riders ?        * WE NEED:

Your Name

Home Address

Home & Cell Contact numbers

Email Address

How many riders you can comfortably provide for ?

 Men or Women Riders ?

What type of animals are in or outside of your house ?

Acceptable sleeping arrangements:  Each Rider requires a Bed or Air Mattress to include clean bedding (Sleeping Bag is acceptable).  Several teams will be bringing their own air mattresses and are used to sharing a room.  It’s Wonderful volunteers like you that have made this race possible since 1985. 

Please join us in supporting  your local community and be a Big part of the Race:

Riders will need Housing from April 6th – April 13th 

Contact one of our Host Housing Coordinators for more information at:
Lead       Men:    Women:
Please Scan QR Code to Sign Up to Host Riders.





5 Minute Training and Safety Program

Programs will be scheduled for the second Bi-Weekly ride each month.
See the event calendar for specifics.
Tips will be presented prior to the ride. Riders can then practice using these tips during the ride.

 If you have other items than those listed that you would like to see discussed, or questions about listed topics,
please contact Ron Mutter at

Items to be discussed
Downhill riding and bike control - handlebars and grip - using the drops
Hydration and nutrition - drinking from a water bottle while riding
Downshift when stopping - turning the handlebars to avoid falling
Demonstration & practice - changing a flat tire
Hand signals - looking back before turning
Checking the bike before riding - tires, brakes, helmet
Scootering when starting - starting on a hill.
Single handed riding - griping the handlebars
Using front and rear lights

Tool bag - essential items to carry
Rolling through sand and water


Updating You Contact Information

  Dear Members:

   We have noticed a number of old street addresses, email addresses, phone numbers and other information that were listed with us when you joined, but may not now be current.  Without current information, we are unable to contact you and provide updated information to our membership.  So this may a good time to check your contact information for Ride Yourself Fit and Walk Yourself Fit, and update it as necessary.

   Updates are easy to do.  Members can logon to the website using their login name and password.  Once on line, go to the top right hand corner of the home page and look for your name.  Click on the small down arrow in the circle to the right of your name, then click Profile.  Your membership profile box will appear. In the Personal Info box, click Contact Info. Your profile data will appear and should be reviewed. You can make any necessary changes and updates.  When you are done, just click on the SAVE box at the bottom of the page and you are finished.

   If you have any trouble or questions, please contact Ron Mutter at  Thank You

What is the right ride for me?

At times, some riders join scheduled routes that may be beyond their physical abilities.  As a result, they struggle along the ride, making for a less enjoyable personal experience. 
Ride Yourself Fit has developed  a rating system for each ride.  This system considers length of ride as well as the amount of climbing, and rates the ride between simple to extreme as shown to the right.  Routes are also designated with lettered categories which define the general average speed expected by riders on the ride. 
The rating system and speed categories are all shown on the event calendar for each ride.  RYF encourages all members to review the ride and select the one that best suits everybody's personal riding skills and abilities. 

Effective January 1, 2015, new membership fee policy took effect. 
All new memberships and renewals shall be subject to the new fees as follows:
 Individual Membership  (RYF/WYF)
 Family Membership  (RYF/WYF)
 Supporting Membership (In addition to the selected membership level of $35 or $50.)
 Golden Lifetime Membership (Individual only for life)
Membership policy changes will also take effect as follows:

     Memberships shall include all Ride Yourself Fit and Walk Yourself Fit participants in one program.  The individual membership annual fee increases from $25.00 to $35.00.  The family membership annual fee increases from $35.00 to $50.00.  Family memberships shall be for all members of an immediate family, which shall be limited to the husband/wife as primary, the spouse as secondary and children living in the household under the age of 21. Other relatives, i.e. brothers, sisters of the primary/secondary member, aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws, friends, etc. shall not be included under the family membership. 

     Memberships shall also be established as supporting and golden lifetime categories.  The supporting membership includes a $200 annual donation above the individual or family membership fee listed above.  Supporting memberships will be listed on the RYF website.  The Golden Lifetime membership is a one-time payment of $1,000.00 for a membership that will not expire for the life of the member.  Golden Lifetime members will receive a one-time special RYF jersey.

term policy changes effective November 8, 2022.

     There are a number of available options for RYF/WYF memberships.  These include individual and family memberships among others. Memberships have been returned to 12 month basis, in other words, a membership is for 12 months from the time of joining regardless of the date. This policy is now in effect and will apply to any new memberships. Notices are sent out through the club website notifying members that their membership are expiring and it was time to renew. Most memberships expire on December 31.

Are you a former RYF member who is wishing to rejoin?
We would welcome you back to enjoy all the Fun, Fitness and Fellowship!
Please contact the RYF Webmaster at
We can help reinstate your membership.


Ride Yourself Fit and Walk Yourself Fit have adopted a portion of the City's Orange Blossom Trail West, between Park Avenue and Nevada Street.

The Adopt-A-Trail program has been established for community and civic organizations, as well as private businesses to contribute towards the effort of maintaining beautiful and clean City owned trails in Redlands.  Redlands' Adopt-A-Trail program encourages community residents and organizations to adopt City owned trails and keep them weed and litter-free.  The adopted areas are to be cleaned every 4 weeks in an effort to maintain a healthy environment, and to produce feelings of pride in our beautiful City.  RYF/WYF has made a commitment to pick up litter and perform weed abatement on this section of the trail a minimum of once a month for a two-year period.  We will monitor conditions on this section of the trail and report problems to City staff members for follow up.

Volunteers are needed on an ongoing basis to help support this effort.  The time required to complete the required routine maintenance is about one hour or less per month.  Approximately 10 members per each cleanup are needed.


Traffic Safety Coalition launches "I GIVE 3 FT" safety campaign.
California’s new bike-passing law takes effect Tuesday, Sept. 16 and is designed to reduce car-versus-bicycle crashes.  It also provides a way for law enforcement to enforce safe passing.
When the new law takes effect, violators will face a $35 base fine, ($233 when penalty assessments are added). If there is a collision, the base fine goes up
to $220 ($959 with assessments.) Where a violation results in a collision that injures a bicyclist, the law provides a way for law enforcement to cite the driver for unsafe passing.  Bicyclists are still urged to use caution at all times while riding on any roadway with or without bike lanes.

See the "3 Feet Please" Facebook page
at 3 Feet Please for more information.

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