are three reasons to join Ride Yourself Fit and Walk Yourself Fit.
· 1. Fun: The experiences you have
with amazing people at Ride Yourself Fit and Walk Yourself Fit will last you a lifetime. These programs are a slightly different experience for everyone, but the common
thread is fun, fitness and fellowship.
· 2. Fitness: There are no other bicycle
or walking clubs that gives support like Ride Yourself Fit and Walk Yourself Fit. Whether you are brand new
trying to lose a few pounds, get in better shape or looking to meet new people with common exercise and fitness goals, Ride
Yourself Fit and Walk Yourself Fit have the rides and walks that will help you achieve your goals.
· 3. Fellowship: The friends you make at Ride Yourself Fit and Walk Yourself Fit will be special in a way
that's hard to describe. All of us have different backgrounds; but, we all
share in the struggles and successes of getting fit and improving our overall health.
These common goals build friendships that are very fulfilling, because it is
nice to be with people who understand you.
Why Does Membership Cost
Yourself Fit, Inc. includes the Ride Yourself Fit, Walk Yourself Fit and Eat Yourself Fit programs, and is a Non Profit organization. We are not in the business of
making money. We are in the business of Fun, Fitness, and Fellowship. The membership fees cover the cost maintaining the website, insurance to
protect the long term viability of the club, and any administrative and legal
fees that are apart of maintaining a legitimate not for
profit bicycle and walking club. All the club financials are open to the
members through regular Treasurer's reports.
are many benefits to joining Ride Yourself Fit, Inc. such as discounts, occasional
free promotional items, and route information; but, these are NOT reasons to join, the three
reason's to join are Fun, Fitness, and Fellowship!
Membership Benefits
Ride Yourself Fit, Inc. offers members a number of unique benefits to assist in planning a ride outside of the regular RYF schedule. Different routes for the bi-weekly rides are offered with lengths of 10, 15, 20, and 30 miles. Off regular Saturday rides of 40+ miles and conditioning rides are also scheduled. Wednesday evening rides of about 20 miles during the spring and summer months are provided for fun and training. Routes range between 10 and 100 miles with varying degrees of difficulty, and climbing. Training circuits are also available for members to increase cardio endurance and stamina. Walkers meet each Saturday and also for a few special events during the year. The walking routes change and often include a stop for coffee or a light breakfast. The starting locations also change to provide a variety of location around Redlands to enjoy.
Throughout the year, Ride Yourself Fit will hold special events and opportunities. Discounts for the annual Holiday Party before Christmas, for the general meetings, for a variety of contests and opportunities, and special discounts for certain new clothing orders are available to members only. Members have access to the full RYF website, showing all events, schedules and opportunities.
Members often are looking for interesting and fun routes to ride or walk during the week, and often ask how to obtain maps or route slips for regular rides and walks. Several sections of the website are available exclusively to members. A membership in Ride Yourself Fit opens over 450 bicycling routes for members, including links to maps on popular bicycle route websites such as Map My Ride and Ride with GPS, turn by turn route slips and even maps of routes with 3D capability on Google Earth. Walking routes are also mapped in the same way. Another feature is an analysis section where members can review routes based on overall degree of difficulty from easy to extreme, total length of a ride or walk, and total amount of climbing along the route. All are available exclusively to Ride Yourself Fit, Inc. members, to enhance your experience and promote Fun, Fitness and Fellowship.
Samples of these benefits include:
A listing of all routes in the RYF Ride Catalog with distance, elevation gain, ride rating and links to maps -
Airport - 10 miles, 371 feet of elevation gain, rated 6.96 (easy),
Map My Ride: http://www.mapmyride.com/routes/view/12061748
or Ride with GPS: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/325238
Route Slips providing turn by turn directions -
0.00 right @ IYBI Office- San Mateo St START
0.04 right @ Magnolia Avenue
0.53 left @ Bellevue Avenue 2w stop
0.95 left @ Fern Avenue 2w stop
1.00 right @ Sunnyside Avenue
Google Earth maps with 3D viewing capability -