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Roads and Rashes -- Bicycle safety

Accidents in bicycling are an ever-present danger. Annually, in the US, there are over 500,000 emergency room visits and more than 700 deaths. The severity of bicycle accidents can be divided roughly into major and minor. Thankfully, minor spills are much more common than major accidents but exact statistics on them are lacking because many go unreported. For example, an athlete may self-treat a minor injury and thus the accident data is not captured. It should be noted, however, that despite the term "minor", falling off a bicycle and bouncing/sliding along the street, or ground, is never a fun experience. Regardless of how much they are disliked minor accidents are a very common part of cycling. This can been seen in the old adage, "There are two types of cyclists, those who have just fallen, and those who are about to". 

The exact reasons for crashes – beyond the broad laws known as Gravity and Murphy’s -- are indeed numerous. Although not all crashes are preventable, it is important to learn as much as possible about traffic safety, training, group riding safety and bicycle maintenance. Knowledge about the common situations that result in accidents is critical in reducing the types of crashes that are due to preventable errors. Through analysis, problem solving, and, especially, education we can collectively work towards making cycling safer.

With respect to direct health consequences as a result of a fall, a discussion about all of the potential injuries is not possible. However, a brief description of two of the most common injuries is warranted. Road rash and muscular strains invariably result when one falls off of a bicycle. NOTE: For the injured athlete, specific details regarding appropriate medical care for bicycle accidents and other falls can only come from a visit to a qualified medical professional. The following descriptions about road rash and muscular soreness assume that the athlete has already sought and been given appropriate medical advice. 

Road rash refers to the skin abrasions that result from frictional contact with the ground. Abrasions may result from direct contact of skin with the road, or may be transmitted indirectly through clothing. Clothing offers protection against road rash but only up to a point, depending upon the physics involved in the crash. Although the following description regarding wound care is brief, it covers the basics. The most important step in initial treatment of road rash is to thoroughly clean the wound. Irrigation with water, and vigorous scrubbing using soap/water and a washcloth is essential to remove dirt and other debris from the wound. Rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide are not necessary since they have no advantage over soap and water. (Note: lacerations, puncture, or other more complicated wounds require different treatment.) Next a “non-stick” dressing, such as Second-Skin, Telfa pad or a similar product, is applied to protect the wound and to help absorb blood and drainage. Abrasions require daily care – dressing changes combined with further cleaning – (gently with soap and water). An antibiotic ointment may be used prior to redressing. A natural part of the healing process is scab formation. When the wound begins to form a “healthy” scab, dressings may be discontinued and the wound left to “air out”. This usually occurs several days after the initial injury, depending on size and severity of the abrasion. Further along in the healing process, the scab will progressively fall off to reveal new, pink epidermis. This skin has not yet fully healed and one must be careful about sunlight, which is damaging and may cause permanent pigment changes. Thus, clothing and/or sun-block should be used to protect against solar radiation. 

Another common occurrence after a fall is referred to as delayed-onset muscle soreness. This type of muscular injury usually manifests several hours, or the following morning, after a fall. Those of you who have experienced this know the feeling well. It is typified in the expression, “sore all over”. This type of muscular injury accounts for the pain and stiffness that seems to be everywhere and involve areas not immediately apparent right after the accident. It occurs as the result of a protective, reflexive (involuntary) muscular contraction. For example, if one falls and the left side of the body hits the ground the muscles on the right side of the neck will contract to prevent injury to the head and spine. The discomfort usually peaks at about 48 or 72 hours post-fall. Treatment is primarily symptomatic. Ibuprofen or acetaminophen may be used to help reduce pain. Additionally, many athletes find that light, easy exercise helps work-out some of the stiffness. Studies into this type of muscular soreness have documented that those who heal the fastest are the ones who follow the advice, “do what you feel comfortable doing”. In other words, aggressive physical therapy or at the other extreme, bed-rest, prolong the process. Thus, the injured athlete is encouraged to do usual activities as tolerated, based upon how they feel. Also using an anti-inflammatory like Motrin or Advil can be helpful in reducing the soreness.

Safety can not be stressed enough to help prevent an accident but when they occur we must be ready to help out our fellow riders and offer sound advise.

Some starting points for bicycle safety education and safety

1. ALWAYS wear a helmet. This is a “must” for everyone but especially for children, because of their increased risk for serious head injury.



4. Do a search for bicycle safety at, and






"The RYF Jersey is Very Cool..."


A healthy body temperature is maintained by the nervous system. As the body temperature increases, the body tries to maintain its normal temperature by transferring heat. Sweating and blood flow to the skin help us keep our bodies cool. A heat-related illness occurs when our bodies can no longer transfer enough heat to keep us cool.

A high body temperature (hyperthermia) can develop rapidly in extremely hot environments such as the summer months in Redlands. Hot temperatures and exercising in these environments a cyclist can quickly develop hyperthermia.

Heat-related illnesses produce a high body temperature because the body cannot transfer heat effectively or because external heat gain is excessive.

Heat-related illnesses include:

  • Heat rash , which occurs when the sweat ducts to the skin  become blocked or swell, causing discomfort and itching.
  • Heat cramps, which occur in muscles after exercise because sweating causes the body to lose water, salt, and minerals (electrolytes) .
  • Heat edema (swelling) in the legs and hands, which can occur when you sit or stand for a long time in a hot environment.
  • Heat tetany (hyperventilation and heat stress), which is usually caused by short periods of stress in a hot environment. Symptoms may include hyperventilation, respiratory problems, numbness or tingling, or muscle spasms
  • Heat syncope (fainting), which occurs from low blood pressure  when heat causes the blood vessels to expand (dilate) and body fluids move into the legs because of gravity.
  • Heat exhaustion, which generally develops when a person is exercising in hot weather or has not acclimated to change in weather and does not drink enough liquids to replace those lost liquids.
  • Heatstroke (sunstroke), which occurs when the body fails to regulate its own temperature and body temperature continues to rise, often to 105°F or higher. Heatstroke is a medical emergency. Even with immediate treatment, it can be life-threatening or cause serious long-term problems.

Other things that may increase your risk of a heat-related illness include:

  • Older adults (that’s a relative term) do not sweat easily are more likely to have a chronic medical condition that changes normal body responses to heat and more likely to take prescription medicines (i.e. blood pressure medications) that impair the body's ability to regulate its temperature or that inhibit perspiration.
  • Having a greater body surface obesity or being being tall. People who are overweight have decreased blood flow to the skin, hold heat in because of the insulating layer of fat tissue. Both being overweight and/ or being tall results in a greater body mass to cool.
  • Heat waves cause heat to be trapped by the asphalt in the roads, concrete in buildings and air pollutants in the air and if there is high level of humidity this can create a dangerous situation.
  • Chronic diseases, such as heart disease or high blood pressure, or who take certain medications, such as for depression, insomnia, or poor circulation, may be affected by extreme heat.

Most heat-related illnesses can be prevented by keeping the body cool and by avoiding dehydration in hot environments. Home treatment is usually all that is needed to treat mild heat-related illnesses. Heat exhaustion and heatstroke need immediate medical treatment.

Here are a few suggestions for preventing heat stress and adapting your program to the demands of summer riding or training.

When the first hot spell of summer hits, start out earlier. Remember one of the hardest parts of cycling is....Getting out of bed in the morning!  A gradual build-up in distance and intensity for your body to adapt to  a hot environment.  Time of day is crucial. The temperature tends to be the highest from noon to 3 p.m. During a ride you can lose up to 2 quarts of fluid through perspiration each hour. If your fluid loss by sweat or urine exceeds your fluid intake, you will experience dehydration. 

If you start to perspire heavily all of a sudden to should immediately try to cool yourself down by drinking more fluid, pouring water over your head and down your back and stopping if necessary in shady and safe area until your body cools off.

Body weight losses in the 3 to 4 percent range impair the body's ability to efficiently utilize oxygen. When dehydration causes more than 4 to 5 percent weight loss, your power will deteriorate tremendously. Always be aware that even during non-athletic activities, in hot and humid conditions your fluid losses will typically range from 1 to 10 quarts every 24 hours.

To combat this, begin drinking even before you get on the bike. Drink 8 ounces as you are getting out the door. During your ride, try to drink at least 8 to 12 ounces by sipping fluids every 20 minutes (make sure you sip, not gulp, to avoid stomach discomfort).

If you cannot carry enough fluids in your water bottles, wear a back-mounted hydration system (Camelback) to ensure you drink enough. Such systems also keep fluids colder, and cool drinks tend to taste better, so you are apt to drink more.

There is evidence that after-exercise carbohydrate-electrolyte beverages replace lost fluid in the blood at a slightly faster rate than pure water.

To make sure that you are properly hydrated, weigh yourself before and after a ride in the heat. If you finish riding with a weight loss of more than 3 to 4 percent, you should practice drinking more while on the bike.

You can assess the status of your body's fluid level by the volume of urine expelled. An adult's urine volume is about 1.2 quarts every 24 hours. If your daily urine volume is less than 1 quart a day, your body is conserving water and you should consume more fluids.

Urine that is dark and yellow also indicates you may be dehydrated, and that your body's cells are being put under undue stress. 

Keeping track of your body weight on a daily basis is an effective way to determine water loss. When you get out of bed in the morning and after urination, step on a scale and record your weight. If you experience a weight loss of 1 to 3 percent from the previous day's activity, start rehydrating. Do this by drinking 16 ounces of fluid for each pound of body weight lost.

Lastly, wear a jersey that incorporating new materials (RYF it looks very cool!) that allow for greater transport of air and moisture to flow in, out and over your hot body. Do not use oil-based sunscreens, which impede sweating.

Training, acclimatization and the proper use of sport drinks will help you perform your best in summer heat. The bottom line on all of this is to know your body and take care of it.

Always use common sense and prepare properly for the heat. Share this information with you fellow cyclist and encourage them to stay cool and enjoy the “Fun, Fitness and Fellowship” of cycling!


Dan Meier: Thank you for the chart!


I Can’t Lose Weight...Could it be my Thyroid?

YES! Thyroid disease is the second most common endocrine problem, number one is diabetes. It's not uncommon to have weight gain attributed to hypothyroidism and it is very important to be screened for this common illness.

What are some of the common causes of the thyroid disease?

Hypothyroidism or the under-activity of the thyroid gland, is a condition which occurs when the thyroid gland fails to produce enough thyroid hormones, and/or there is a failure of the tissues to receive thyroid hormones. Some causes of a thyroid disorder are common; some are more rare. Below is an outline of those potential causes of which some can be corrected and others will need medication.


Thyroid disease can simply run in families.

Iodine Insufficiency

Individuals can develop hypothyroidism due to the lack of adequate iodine intake, due to soil depletion and lack of iodine in our diet. Since iodine is necessary in the synthesis, storage and secretion of thyroid hormones, a deficiency of iodine can result in hypothyroidism.


Hashimoto’s Disease “Thyroiditis”

This is an autoimmune disorder in which one’s immune system attacks it’s own thyroid cells, causing inflammation and eventually resulting in hypothyroid. In many cases a goiter develops because of the inflammation, but sometimes the thyroid gland can actually shrink. Patients with symptoms of hypothyroidism and or hyperthyroidism can have Hashimoto disease. There is a genetic predisposition to autoimmune disease, so if you have one, you are more at risk to have others, like thyroiditis. It is proposed that a lack of iodine also plays a role in autoimmune attacks on the thyroid. Food sensitivities can bring it on, as well.

Overtreatment for Graves Hyperthyroid with Radioactive Iodine

If a person with Graves’ disease or Hashimotos is treated with radioactive iodine , the thyroid gland is usually rendered partially or fully inactive. Over time, from a few months to a few years, hypothyroidism usually occurs.

Thyroid Removal Surgery

If much of the thyroid gland is surgically removed, the result can be hypothyroidism.

Radiation of the face/neck/chest

Whether for treatment of acne, or for Hodgkins Disease, this treatment from the 1960s through the 80s and beyond can be a precursor to developing thyroid disease, especially if the thyroid area wasn’t protected.

Tumor on the Pituitary Gland

Also called Secondary Hypothyroidism, a tumor on the Pituitary gland interferes with the production of the Thyroid Stimulation Hormone (TSH), causing hypothyroidism as well as adrenal insufficiency. Disorders of the hypothalamus portions of the brain may also cause thyroid hormone deficiency.

Trauma from Accidents or Surgery

Trauma, such as from automobile accidents, surgery, or severe uterine hemorrhage during childbirth can result in Sheeans Syndrome, which is hypopituitarism, and results in hypothyroidism. Cholecystectomy and Hysterectomy, as well as Tonsillectomy, can increase the risk of hypothyroid. Whiplash or neck trauma can cause hypothyroidism.

Pharmaceutical Drug Induced

Lithium, used in the treatment of bipolar manic-depressive disorder, inhibits thyroid hormone release and can also result in a goiter. The heart drug, Amiodarone, also increases your risk of hypothyroidism.


On the opposite side of the coin of insufficient iodine is taking too much from iodine-containing herbs such as kelp, bladderwrack, or bugleweed can increase your risk for hypothyroidism. Many multivitamins, glandular support formulas and combination products contain these supplements.

Over consumption of Goitrogenic Foods

Goitrogenic foods, which means they contain substances which prevent your thyroid from getting its necessary amount of iodine. When eaten in large quantities, this class of foods can promote goiters and resulting hypothyroidism. They are mostly only a concern when served raw as cooking may minimize or eliminate goitrogenic potential. Goitrogenic foods include brussel sprouts, rutabaga, turnips, kohlrabi, radishes, cauliflower, millet, cabbage, kale and soy products.

Over consumption of Soy Products

Soy products have a definite antithyroid and goitrogenic effect. Long term consumption of soy products can promote formation of goiters and development of autoimmune thyroid disease.

Cigarette Smoking

Tobacco smoke contains cyanide, which is converted to thiocyanate, and which adversely acts as an anti-thyroid agent, inhibiting iodide uptake and hormone synthesis. The enlargement of the thyroid can occur due to smoking.


Some doctors estimate that as many as 5 to 10% of women develop a thyroid problem after delivery. Childbirth can be a hormonal trigger for Hashimoto’s Disease.



Thyroid problems are more common just prior to or during menopause.


Hypothyroidism becomes increasingly common as we age.

Environmental Exposures

Some patients have experienced the fact that fluoride and chlorine can interfere with proper thyroid conversion and result in hypothyroidism. Another concern is mercury, a component in dental fillings, which can disable the thyroid’s ability to convert T4 to T3, resulting in hypothyroidism.

Perchlorate and Other Toxic Chemicals Exposure

Perchlorate (ammonium perchlorate or perchloric acid) blocks iodine from entering the thyroid, and prevents further synthesis of thyroid hormone. It is found in various water supplies around the nation, particularly in areas near rocket fuel or fireworks plants. There is strong evidence that exposure to certain toxic chemicals increase the risk of developing thyroid disease.

The labs should include TSH, free T3 & T4 and thyroid antibody levels to determine if your thyroid is functioning properly. If you are taking thyroid medication, make sure you are taking it first thing in the morning without any other medications or supplements, they can reduce the effects of your thyroid medication.  If your thyroid has been screened and treated appropriately, losing weight will still require reducing calories and increasing your activity. Cutting back about 500 calories a day should result in an approximate 2 pounds weight loss per week. 

Exercising, especially cycling, can burn from 350-1000 calories per hour (depending on your intensity) and further result in significant weight loss.  It is important to make exercise a part of your lifestyle. Schedule exercise as you would  an important meeting and if asked to schedule something else during that exercise time just say, “I’m busy” and don’t miss your scheduled exercise unless there’s a real emergency! If you’re out of town, don’t forget to bring your tennis shoes...most hotels have wonderful work out facilities.

Weight loss, if not associated with a secondary cause such as thyroid disease, will require a change in caloric intake and increase in physical activity.

So, work with your doctor and rule out any possible secondary causes for weight  gain, such as thyroid problems.  Make changes in your lifestyle like eating heart healthy foods (see last months article) and consider joining Ride Yourself Fit, to  make exercise part of your lifestyle. Ride Yourself Fit has a motto of “Fun, Fitness and Fellowship”, read Scott Zinda’s article: Why join RYF for an excellent reason to join.

Finally...after doing all the above, and saying with a positive attitude, “I Can...Lose Weight!"

Steven Wilson, MD “Doc"

Bowthrrpe,Janie,M.Ed, 4/1/2012, Stop the Thyroid Madness

                                                                                          The Rhythm of the Ride

As a board certified family practice physician, dedicated to preventive medicine, I have developed by private practice with a focus on preventive care.  Preventive care in my practice involves a team approach of evaluating an individuals risk factors and educating while empowering the individual to take a proactive, rather than reactive, role in their health.  

There are many aspects to preventive care, since cardiovascular disease continues to be the leading cause of death in United States, we must focus on keeping a healthy heart.

Prevention starts with the ABC’s.... and the ABC’s can improve the “Rhythm of the Ride”.


Aspirin therapy (81mg / baby) for all over 50 years old or sooner if their is a significant history of heart disease

Blood pressure control (normal blood pressure is 120/80)

Cholesterol control (normal is less than 200)

Diabetes evaluation and control (Hemoglobin A1c less than 6.5)

Diet-25 Top Heart-Healthy Foods


Heart Healthy Foods

Nutrition experts from The Cleveland Clinic and the American Dietetic Association have put together a list of the "best of the best" heart-healthy foods.

The foods listed here are all top-performers in protecting your heart and blood vessels.

Omega-3 fatty acids. Grill salmon with a yummy rub or marinade. Save a chunk to chop for a pasta or salad later on.

Flaxseed (ground)
Omega-3 fatty acids; fiber, phytoestrogens Ground flaxseed hides easily in all sorts of foods -- yogurt parfaits, morning cereal, homemade muffins, or cookies.

Omega-3 fatty acids; magnesium; potassium; folate; niacin; calcium; soluble fiber.

Top hot oatmeal with fresh berries. Oatmeal-and-raisin cookies are a hearty treat.


Black or Kidney Beans

B-complex vitamins; niacin; folate; magnesium; omega-3 fatty acids; calcium; soluble fiber..

Plant omega-3 fatty acids; vitamin E; magnesium; fiber; heart-favorable mono- and polyunsaturated fats. Mix a few almonds (and berries) into low-fat yogurt, trail mix, or fruit salads.

Plant omega-3 fatty acids; vitamin E; magnesium; folate; fiber; heart-favorable mono- and polyunsaturated fats; phytosterols. Walnuts add flavorful crunch to salads, pastas, cookies, muffins, even pancakes.

Red wine
(flavonoids) Toast your good health! A glass of red wine could improve "good" HDL cholesterol.

Omega-3 fatty acids; folate; niacin. Here's lunch: Salad greens, fresh fruit, canned tuna. Keep a light dressing -- in your office fridge.

Niacin; folate; calcium; magnesium; potassium. Tasty tofu is easy: Thinly slice "firm" tofu, marinate several hours, grill or stir-fry.

Brown rice
B-complex vitamins; fiber; niacin; magnesium, fiber. Microwavable brown rice makes a quick lunch. Stir in a few chopped veggies (broccoli, carrots, spinach).

Isoflavones (a flavonoid); B-complex vitamins; niacin; folate, calcium; magnesium; potassium; phytoestrogens. Soymilk is great over oatmeal or whole-grain cereal. Or, make a smoothie with soymilk.

Beta-carotene and lutein (carotenoids); anthocyanin (a flavonoid); vitamin C; folate; calcium, magnesium; potassium; fiber.

Cranberries, strawberries, raspberries
are potent, too -- for trail mixes, muffins, salads!

Alpha-carotene (a carotenoid); fiber. Baby carrots are sweet for lunch. Sneak shredded carrots into spaghetti sauce or muffin batter.

B-complex vitamins; folate; magnesium; potassium; calcium; fiber. Pick spinach (not lettuce) for nutrient-packed salads and sandwiches.

Beta-carotene (a carotenoid); Vitamins C and E; potassium; folate; calcium; fiber.
Chop fresh broccoli into store-bought soup. For a veggie dip, try hummus (chickpeas).

Sweet potato
Beta-carotene (a carotenoid); vitamins A, C, E; fiber.
Microwave in a zip-lock baggie for lunch. Try with pineapple bits.

Red bell peppers
Beta-carotene and lutein (carotenoids); B-complex vitamins; folate; potassium; fiber.
Rub with olive oil, and grill or oven-roast until tender. Delicious in wraps, salads, sandwiches.

Beta-carotene and lutein (carotenoids); B-complex vitamins; folate; fiber.
Grill or steam slightly, then dress with olive oil and lemon. It's a pretty side dish.

flavonoids; vitamin C; potassium; folate; fiber.

Beta- and alpha-carotene, lycopene, lutein (carotenoids); vitamin C; potassium; folate; fiber. For a flavor twist, try oil-packed tomatoes in sandwiches, salads, pastas, and pizzas.

Acorn squash
Beta-carotene and lutein (carotenoids); B-complex and C vitamins; folate; calcium; magnesium; potassium; fiber. Baked squash is comfort food on a chilly day. Serve with spinach, pine nuts, and raisins.

Alpha- and beta-carotene and lutein (carotenoids); B-complex and C vitamins; folate; potassium; fiber. A fragrant ripe cantaloupe is perfect for breakfast, lunch, and potluck dinners. Simply cut and enjoy!

Beta-carotene,lutein (carotenoids); Vitamins C and E; folate; calcium; magnesium; potassium.
Serve papaya salsa with salmon: Mix papaya, pineapple, scallions, garlic, fresh limejuice, salt and black pepper.

Dark chocolate
Cocoa phenols (flavonoids).
A truffle a day lowers blood pressure, but choose 70% or higher cocoa content.

Flavonols (flavonoids).
Make sun tea: Combine a clear glass jar, several tea bags, and hours of sunshine.


Biking, running and swimming are the best cardiovascular activities for keeping your heart healthy.   Low impact activities such as biking and swimming are ideal because they do not put a lot of stress on the joints and allow people with limited range of motion the ability to exercise and keep their heart healthy. Low impact activities like biking can also reduce cholesterol and can help lower blood pressure, which is a major health concern for millions of people. Bike riding can also reduce stress, and it’s been proven that managing stress is a key component when it comes to staying healthy.  Biking has a lot of health and fitness benefits, even just short bike rides daily can make a noticeable difference in your health in a very short period of time. 

The benefits of biking can be enjoyed on a beach cruiser, mountain bike, hybrid bike, or a road bike.  Whether purchased at a bike shop or yard sale, the benefits of biking outweigh the physical attributes of the bike…its about your heart, which determines the rhythm of your ride!

So get out on the road and let “fun, fitness and fellowship” enhance the rhythm of your ride.

Steven Wilson, M.D.
In Your Best Interest Medical Clinic, Inc.








January 29, 2012

Welcome to the Ride Yourself Fit webpage. I am so excited to have this site in place for our RYF family and friends. When I think about the RYF family, I remember the smiles, hugs, laughter and great rides we have shared. 

Ride Yourself Fit was based on an idea I had, to help my patients get started with exercise. I initially encouraged a few patients to join me for a bike ride. The patients were very reluctant at first, but, receptive after I assured them it would be a flat ride. I asked them to meet me in my clinic parking lot with their bikes.  I told them to bring their bikes regardless of whether they were on flats, dusty from sitting in the garage too long or hadn’t taken the time out to ride their bike... just come on out and start exercising. I quickly discovered that exercise was not the main reason people gathered for the was just the tip of the iceberg.

On Saturday, February 7, 2009, seven riders gathered to embark upon the 5 mile course I had plotted.   As we rode along the flat terrain of Olive Avenue in Redlands and began to make our first turn and incline toward Fern Avenue, I noticed  that some of the riders were having difficulty with the initial grade.  In fact, many of the riders got off their bikes to did I! We found ourselves walking with our bikes along the sidewalk until we got to Fern Avenue where it became flat again. As we walked we smiled, laughed and generally did not care about being on the bike or not. The focus was clearly on the fellowship we shared and thus the start of Ride Yourself Fit!

We zoomed along Fern Avenue which then turned into Terracina Blvd., and enjoyed the downhill and wind in our faces. We made a right turn along Brookside Avenue and made our way back to the clinic.  To the disbelieve of many, we has just completed an eight mile ride.  We were all encouraged by the fun and self confidence we discovered that morning.

Lots of fun, fitness and mostly fellowship has grown from those early days and initial seven riders. Today, it is not unusual to have over 100 riders gathering for a ride together.  I'm still inspired by all the smiles, laughs and fellowship that takes place every other Saturday, as the RYF family.

I'm encouraged by the possibilities our new organization as an official cycling club will bring.  The  RYF cycling club will  have an organized way of doing business, with a  board of directors, rather than the sometimes last minute rush my wife, Alesandra and children; Autumn and Steven sometimes experience.  We will also have an official voice in the cycling community. I thank each of you who have volunteered time after time over the years...

Now, I am asking for everyone's support.  We will need volunteers to help with the rides, donations to financially help in our not-profit status and sponsors for the website, to name a few. We have many hopes and dreams for RYF, your club, including our annual children’s safety ride, time trial (TT) events and training. Please join me in becoming an official “RYF” member.  I also ask that you to invite and encourage your family members and friends to join our group and come out to our regular Saturday morning rides. 

I look forward to your ideas, thoughts and enthusiasm.  Your spirit has allowed this club to grow and encourage those around us. As you have heard me say before;  “if you continue to show up, then, I will continue to show up” ! Not only have you continued to show up to ride;  you have encouraged, inspired and made “ Ride Yourself Fit” a truly unique cycling club.

I look forward to many years of riding with each of you.  God willing,  I will ride a century on my century birthday...and I will know that I completed it because of what each of you have given to me.



Steven Wilson, M.D.


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