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HomeVegetable Preservation
 This Page Provides Tips and Suggestions on How to Preserve Your Garden Vegetables for Future Use
Three Basic methods are Freezing, Canning and Drying
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Freezing Vegetables
Corn Shucking
Corn Harvest
Corn Harvest Steaming
Corn Harvest Freezing
Shucking the corn harvest   Saving a few ears to eat fresh  Steam blanching Vacuum sealing 
 Corn may be frozen to preserve it.  Corn ears should be harvested at their peak, cleaned of husks and silk, and steam blanched for about 3 minutes.
Corn shall then be removed from the steam, dried and cooled, then packed in appropriate freezer bags using a Food Saver vacuum sealer.

Green Beans
Freezing Cauliflower
Freezing Broccoli
Green Beans vacuum packed  Sugar Snap or regular Peas   Freezing Cauliflower Freezing Broccoli 
Many other vegetables can be frozen using a similar process to that of corn.  Steam blanching time varies .
Canning Fruits and Vegetables
Canning Pot
Goods in the Canning Pot Canned Goods
Canned Pickles
 Canning Pot Processing Canned Goods  Canned Goods Cooling
Tomato Sauce 1
Tomato Sauce 2
Tomato Sauce 3
Tomato Sauce 4
Tomato Sauce Cooking
Tomato Sauce Blending
 Tomato Sauce Straining
Tomato Sauce Canning
Tomato Sauce is easy to make and can.  A basic sauce with tomatoes only can be made, then other ingredients added later to make a variety
of tomato based sauces and soups. Spaghetti Sauce and Tomato soup are two favorites.

 Vegetable and Fruit Dehydration Videos

 How to Dehydrate and Preserve Fruit  Dehydrating and Drying Fruits and Vegetables

How to Dehydrate Fruits and Vegetables
Best Practices for Drying Fruit and Vegetables 

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